Monday, September 8, 2014

Unanticipated gift in my garden.....

Today was a different kind of Monday.  In my haste to get to work, I glanced at my garden noticing that it was winding down and that we needed the 80% chance of showers in the forecast for today.  I knew that I would revisit my garden when I got home before The Garden Coalition meeting.  It is ritual for me to peruse my garden capturing a visual memory as I depart daily.  However today, I was greeted by a special gift in my garden.

Every year I invite one of my tropical plants to overwinter in the house.  One year I tried Ferns.......that did not last long.  Another year I tried a humongous Fuschia...never my world, this is a ANNUAL tropical plant to be enjoyed for a moment, outdoors where it can just be beautiful.  However for the past two years, I have had success with a particular tropical plant that has even given me a gift of bloom about late the house, by a partially sunny window.

Purchased on clearance at Ginkgo Gardens on Capital Hill, it was end of season and she was looking like she was a leave behind after the party.  I brought her home, all 48 inches of her and THEN thought, where will I over winter her.  The dining room window seemed the perfect spot for her to pause until the following season.  Her first gift was mid February....right around the time when I am itching to get outside in the garden.  It was beautiful........and then it was gone.

Flash forward to this evening......a sweet smell permeated the air in the darkness of the evening.  I remembered the cigar like buds when I left this morning......but never had I experiences such an intoxicating scent, sweet, sultry and right by my front door. Perhaps it was the four blooms emitting what must be the perfume of the heavens.

It was my Brugmansia welcoming me home and offering her fragrant gift of Thanks for bring her to The Cottage In The Court!

The scent makes me think I have escaped to a tropical paradise....

I could simply immerse myself in this bodacious bloom.....

I can only admire the intricate beauty that this bloom holds....

I love gifts, especially unanticipated gifts from my garden...I wish I could capture the scent in a bottle........I will appreciate and respect her beauty for as long as I can....prior to moving her inside allowing me space to paint the exterior of the house......

Sharing the beauty that surrounds me.......

1 comment:

  1. Teri,

    It's all so colorful. Thanks for sharing the beauty you're growing in DC. I miss my hometown. Also, thanks for the advice about my plant. Still trying to save her.



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