Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday...It must be Fish Fry Night

I started out this day reading on the beach for five plus hours and dipping into the clear water from time to time.  I must say that I almost never...OK...never get the opportunity to stop and read for five hours anytime!!  I guess that is because I live in the midst of Gotta Do and Have to Do.......  I guess that is why I love to go to the Islands.  They could be more in tune with the rest of the world and have the commercial and major tourism traps like other places.  They do have these in their own way.   However, just like in Puerto Rico, the people are happy with their state of existence in a general sense.  I have yet to see a scowl or a frown, they have shared some of the economics of living here like and apartment for $400 per month and a light bill of $400.00 as well..............on $25.00 per day.  How anyone could do this is beyond me - but she says she loves her job, meeting people, talking and sharing and finding out how others live. I can relate to that part of the equation...but not the income.

The last time I was here I went to the Garden of the Groves - a horticultural wonderland.  I think I will venture there tomorrow as well.  The folks there were truly blessed to have the opportunity to work in such a beautiful place.  In peace, calm and beauty. 

As I mentioned earlier I enjoyed my morning and early afternoon on the last chaise on the beach, at the far end, alone in my own little piece of the beach, reading an awesome book called "The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom.  I cannot tell you how awesome this book is.  The author is from Canada but purchased an estate in Virginia.  While restoring the home on the grounds, she felt compelled to write.  I can understand this wholeheartedly.  The author captured the essence of the times and the Spirits that guided her hand in sharing the tales of Lavinia and Belle truly aided her in making me believe that they were there.  I love a good fictional, yet historical depiction of how women prevail out of necessity.  I could have been a friend of Lavinia and Belle.  I could have helped them thrash through the vines and trees on the plantation to hide, to visit the slave quarters and I feel I could have aided her in rebuilding the soils so that the crops could have thrived. I could have been that third wheel in their adventures.  I was so there as I lay on my chaise on the beach this morning, as the sand flies bit the crap out of me and then the sun came out and they dispersed.  I looked at the cruise ships on the water in the distance and thought of how Lavinia had distinct memories of her overseas adventure from Ireland and deliverance to the United States into the arms of Mama, a slave woman who brought her back to health - as if she were her own child.

I was truly feeling the moment earlier today......but then I packed up my IPOD, my towel and my book and headed back to the resort.  For today is the Fish Fry  everything closed down at 4:00, everyone will be there and the food is awesome.  We will eat, drink and dance...forgetting the past, as we are on vacation and have not a care in the least for four more days.

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