As I have begun working on this garden journey, naming this new sacred space has been a bit of a challenge. After having three weed trees removed when I purchased my house 9 years ago, the large oak in the front and in the rear provided dappled shade, so I knew that this would be my new peaceful place. I knew that the Southern girl in me wanted to embrace and enhance this area in a manner that reflects who I am at this stage of my life. So I began......
I knew that I needed Camellias, Hydrangeas, Magnolias, Japanese Maples, Lilacs and other things traditionally found in the southern garden. One of my favorite books is Passalong Plants by Felder Rushing. Reading this book a few years ago enhanced my respect for the Southern garden. I find that the sultry - almost tropical feel of the southern garden in the heat of summer, makes one crave pausing and making time to enjoy life. So I have attempted to recreate this feel in my garden.
When I woke up this morning, a little birdie told me to look outside the side yard window........what a delightful moment that was. My Exbury Azalea "Flame" was blooming and when I looked up a tad, I noticed that a dogwood that I planted a few years ago was simply blooming her head off....for the first time!
Exbury "Flame"
Although I was rushing out the door for work, I had to pause and make time for life and have a memory of what I will miss....I captured a few memories of the friends that share in my version of a Southern garden, a Maryland version of Contemplation Corner. This shaded valley of peace, lane of positive thought and place to pause and just listen to the sounds of nature.......I have my own Lingering Lane....
Lingering Lane....with the Hydrangea budding and the Azaleas about to pop.....I long to linger here and enjoy the moment.......
Different Azalea has popped and has started the colorful Azalea Fest 2013....I also noticed in another part of my garden there is a red Rhododendron that is about ready to show off!!!!!!
Did someone say take a is one waiting for you..or for the Fern that I place on it each season.....
A simple Clematis greeting the garden with open blooms and many buds.......
Who is that hiding behind that Frances Williams Hosta????
Ah Calycanthus...your rich scent reminds me of a hot summers day.....a girl can dream can't she? It is a bit nippy outside!!
A gorgeous rescued Clematis that shows off year after year after year............
My latest garden friend - Immortality German Bearded Iris (Ginkgo Gardens) - it jumped into my arms and begged me to take her I did....she has a fragrance as well......oooooo lala
Last but not least, Fiddle heads from the ferns....never eaten one..but you can. They are so pretty!!!
Lasting moments, linger in the mind, the longer the time you spend...........
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