Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I have to say that this is certainly a first for me.  A lesson or a few days working on me...personal development, a few days meeting and getting to know others who have either found or are finding their voice.  The voice that truly speaks to who you are.  The voice that truly shares in the volume of speaking about what you know...in your own voice.

A few years ago I decided to  blog.  It seemed like  it would be a fun way to get bold about my voice.  Social media seemed like a quiet way for me to yell and let the world know that I was here and had a voice.  I thought,  I will share the love of family, gardening and other things that I love...history, being stonger than what I thought...you  know just things about being me. Sometimes I write a lot, other times I write but do not post....but what is important to me about blogging, is that I can speak, softly and perhaps someone will read and decide that they too can do this....or at least find my words interesting.

My roomate Sara has been coaching me on the finer points of  not being scared and just stepping out there and sharing my voice through blogging. Meeting someone from the middle of the country -Iowa-  who has some of the same thoughts  and values as I do, except she grew up on a farm and I grew up in Washingotn, DC. Where I am passionate about what is in my food, Sara shared with me another way to think about this issue.  While we are different politically, we did agree on a lot and do not understand the dynamics of what is going on today in politics. We have chatted about many things since sharing time together. She reminds me of someone  who would have been a very good neighbor and friend, when I lived in Virginia, while raising my daughters.  What is funny,  her sons are grown (like my daughters) and now through different circumstances, we have become friends through blogging and traveling to the same conference.  Imagine that!

I look forward to sharpening my blogging skills, sharing more with Sara and many other new friends, I am sure to meet along the way.  Thank you BlogaliciousFIVE for urging us to find a roommate.   I sense that the next few days will be filled with information, empowerment and a lot of giggling!

Here's to BLOGALICIOUSFIVE and all that it will mean to me over the next few days!


  1. I had so much fun meeting you! The laughter and fun times we shared, are truly priceless. I can't wait to see where this whole blogging train takes you.

  2. I had a blast meeting you and Sara!!!


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