- my life, with all of it's twists and turns;
- my children, Johanna and Thea and my grandsons, Tyree and Tearrance for they are products of the seeds of life planted in me;
- my parents - mommy for instilling the gift of sewing and sowing seeds of portulaca, red celosia and marigolds in our garden . Daddy for planting the seed of hard work, confidence, practicing femininity and finding the beauty in all things;
- my two tomato's I harvested this morning even after no fertilizer or watering all season.....two are so much better than none ( I have harvested quite a few peppers though);
- my Dad overcoming his little "episode on aging" this summer.....I look forward to being Blessed with more gardening experiences for as long as possible or for as long as the Lord sees fit....;
- my neighbors - Jackie, Nate, Evelyn, Ron and the unnamed ones who watch out for me daily and have done so for the past ten years;
- Kathryn Hall who wrote "Plant Whatever Brings You Joy - Blessed Wisdom From The Garden". Her words have added clarity to my thought processes on gardening;
- Patricia Patton and the 3B's...for giving me the push to just do it and answering the questions I need to have answered;
- Sara Broers for just being there, my mid-west sister from another Mother for reaching out and sharing...we need another road trip....for clarity (giggle);
- Blogalicious for sponsoring a blogging forum where new and experienced bloggers can network, share an experience having a voice and being heard. I look forward to learning even more at Blogalicious6 in San Antonio!;
- Aminia, my ever faithful and protective 140 lb. princess pooch who waits til I am finished writing for her long walks in the middle of the night;
- Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine - for sharing new and different experiences, sharing conversations and understanding how passionate I am about gardening and all things beautiful;
- Candice Camille, Pure Nuphoria - who inspires me and makes me know that becoming seasoned has nothing to do with slowing down to a snails pace. It just means paying more attention to the things in life that matter - taking care of the body and the spirit!
As this summer winds down to the cooler temps of Fall, I am so grateful that my journey on this earth is ever evolving, exciting and like my garden, a work in progress!!
What is on your gratitude list for today????
Lovely list of blessings - thank you so much for sharing!